Comments for Rigel:
The clearest and most focused on idea in your blog is that of the connection between the mother and child, inside and out of the womb. I specifically found this idea to be very thought provoking because is made me muse about how my mother or my other relatives felt during pregnancy; specifically whether they felt a connection like each of mothers you interviewed. This post has driven me to look up studies on the scientific definition on this “connection” between mother and child and whether or not a actual psychological connection exists
Comments for Kristin:
I think that the distinction between wanting a child and not really wanting one is essential in understanding the way the child is raised and how it will grow up. The fact that you mentioned how your uncle and the doctor were watching basketball instead of paying 100% attention to your aunt is an interesting idea to introduce because of how it puts the difference between gender roles into context. I also began to wonder how gender roles during pregnancy have evolved over time.
Comments for Anthony:
I like how you talk about the physical and emotional toll that pregnancy can take on a couple no matter what age as wells the situations you proposed to the interviewee’s. I wonder what influences a mother’s reaction to pregnancy and if it should be considered an emotional reaction to the pregnancy or if it should be looked at as a process of nature despite they unorthodox way it works.
Felipe I enjoyed reading your post because I talked to my mom about her pregnancy right now and it really compares to your mothers. I’m 15 years apart from my brother so I definitely feel your sister's pain. It was good to see that you took the extra step and wanted to research and ask a different question after your interview with your mom.
amandap said...
My favorite line was "we came to the conclusion that we would both like to have a child and raise him/her the way we would have liked to have been raised.” This for me gave me an alternative point of view for why people have babies. In this case it was to make up for the kind of parenting your parents wish they had had growing up. I liked how you used direct quotes to answer each question and added personal thoughts after the quotes, so basically i liked the format, because it allowed me to see the exact wording your mother used.
Nice work, Amanda
Nice work, Amanda
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