Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Instead of focusing solely on the care of the dead I would like to look in deeper into the process of taking care of the body after death and how that has changed overtime. I am really keen on learning about this specific process because of a movie I recently saw that was titled After.Life; aside from the movie being a cheesy drama about a woman who is dead but thinks she’s alive, the more interesting character is the mortician who has undertaken the job of preparing her for her funeral and getting her through her own process of believing that she is dead and accepting it. The idea of the dead accepting their own death is rarely something you hear about because the focus is put mainly on the deceased’s family and their grieving process. A look at religion and how each religion views this would be interesting. The next most interesting topic to me about the care of the dead is how to “dispose” of the corpse. As far as I know there are two main options which are burial, and incineration (after which the ashes can be given to the family or taken to a location chosen by the deceased.
Þ    More about the psychology behind grieving
Þ    What happens when we die? ( based on diff. religions)
Þ    Costs to care for the dead


  1. Felipe,

    first I'd like to point out, you're blog page makes me keep thinking that there's a glitch, cause it looks like my blog site, but i like how your blog page is in reverse, first time seeing that so neat background. Now for you blog, very in depth, short, good topic/points. I like how you're blog analyzed the process of taking care of the corpse than the care of the already embalmed. One of my favorite quotes on you're blog was "The idea of the dead accepting their own death is rarely something you hear about", because people believe that the dead go to another realm/afterlife, so do they think about their own death. I just thought that was a good statement, gives people something to think about. Good blog, do more homework, so i can read you're next blog.


  2. Their are a few typos, all of the times i meant to type "your" my phone put "you're", freaking auto-correct, ignore them, thank you.

  3. Felipe,

    The points you are trying to prove are very in depth and I also have the same questions and points you are trying to figure out. I also want to know what happens when you die when it comes to different religions. "The idea of the dead accepting their own death is rarely something you hear about because the focus is put mainly on the deceased’s family and their grieving process" That comment is very interesting because i never thought of the dead getting over the fact that he or she is dead
